Come on in! The kettle’s on!

Welcome, one and all, and a heartfelt thanks for popping along to our brand-spanking new website! We hope you are enjoying all the colours, chaos, and commodities we have to offer! This first blog is just going to be a short one-both my brain and yours have had to take in a lot just to get to this page! Let’s make it easy on ourselves! 

So, here we are. 

I’ll go first, shall I? Hi, I’m Vix, and I am your host for this ongoing circus of sentimental delights. Think of it like a Tupperware Party you can pop to any time and leave having ordered something you never knew you needed!

There is only me but I speak in the ‘we’ because none of this would have been remotely possible, or even considered, without the presence in my life of Our Jane, former business partner, current sanity resetter, and keeper of chickens. She deserves a whole blog of her own really. Then there is Helen-her with the artistic AND tech skills -who never moans when I add more to her jobs list and who has helped me learn loads! Obviously, the support of family and friends has been up there too, tolerating me bleating on about the flea website all the time and not glazing over (in the main). And of course, you, my customers -the collectors, the crafters, the prop departments, the memory box makers, the interior designers, the kitsch fanatics, the retro lovers, and the hoarders (sorry!). 

THANK YOU for getting us this far. You are all honorary lifetime fleas in my book! Quite the accolade! 

To be honest, life is too busy to be knocking out a blog every month -I haven’t got time to write it and you probably haven’t got time to read it and it all feels a bit like time wasted for both of us. What matters to me and my business are its customers and supporters, so I’d like to use the space to showcase you lot instead! You ok with that?

So, send me pics of you and your vintage (or just your vintage if you are camera-shy like me!), whether you bought it from The Cambridge Flea or not -let’s just share our favourite finds, preloved purchases and the stories behind the pieces that take up space in your home and heart. Each month I’ll add them to the Customer Wall and, if there’s a particularly interesting piece or story, you might end up in the newsletter! (Obviously, your pic will be used on a public website so bear that in mind -if you don’t want your face or name in it, don’t give it to me!) In my mind, at least, it will grow into a wonderful wall of the whimsical and the worthy, but it’ll be up to you to email me those pics via

Sometimes I will do a proper blog just to keep you on your toes! 

So, thanks for visiting. Leave the door ajar on your way out and don’t forget, we need your support to help us stay on our own independent platform, so please do pop back anytime!



Christmas past…